Mass Times
Sunday Masses
6.30 pm (Vigil)
9.00 am (Solemn)
11.30 am (with Children’s Liturgy in the Parish Centre Hall - during term time)
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
9.00 am
Holy Day Masses
9.00 am and 7.30 pm
Check the Special Services page for occasions such as Holy Week and Christmas
and the Newsletter page for an up-to-date list of service times and Mass Intentions
Mass Times
Sunday Masses
6.30 pm (Vigil)
9.00 am (Solemn)
11.30 am (with Children’s Liturgy in the Parish Centre Hall - during term time)
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
9.00 am
Holy Day Masses
9.00 am and 7.30 pm
Check the Special Services page for occasions such as Holy Week and Christmas
and the Newsletter page for an up-to-date list of service times and Mass Intentions
Mass Times
Sunday Masses
6.30 pm (Vigil)
9.00 am (Solemn)
11.30 am (with Children’s Liturgy in the Parish Centre Hall - during term time)
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
9.00 am
Holy Day Masses
9.00 am and 7.30 pm
Check the Special Services page for occasions such as Holy Week and Christmas
and the Newsletter page for an up-to-date list of service times and Mass Intentions
Catholic Parish of Corpus Christi
Collier Row
Weekly Events
Coffee after Mass
Sundays in the Church Porch after the 9.00 am Mass
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Sundays in term-time during the 11.30 am Mass
Society of St Vincent De Paul
Tuesdays : 7.00 pm in the Church Sacristy
Church Cleaning Team
Meets Tuesdays (brass polishing) and Wednesdays at 9.30 am inside the church
Church Gardening Team
Meets Wednesdays at 9.30 am outside the church
4th Collier Row Scout Group
Beaver Scouts
Wednesdays at 4.45 pm
Cub Scouts
Wednesdays at 6.00 pm
Wednesdays at 7.45 pm in the Parish Centre Hall
The Thursday Club
1.15 - 3.15 pm in the Parish Centre Hall
new members (over 60) always welcome
Our Lady's Prayer Group
Thursdays : 7.30 – 9.00 pm at 10 Norman Close
Baby and Toddler Group
Fridays : 1.00 - 2.30 pm in the Parish Centre Hall